SIP-adus Workshop 2020
- 11月10日(火)
- Opening Session
- 成果報告会
- 11月11日(水)
- Opening Session
- Regional Activities
- Service & Business
Implementation - Dynamic Map
- Connected Vehicles
菊島 淳治
内閣官房 情報通信技術(IT)総合戦略室
企画官I joined in Ministry of International Trade and Industry: MITI (currently, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry: METI) in 1992.
I am a Director for Policy Planning of National Strategy Office of ICT, Cabinet Secretariat, and in charge of ITS and other issues.
畠山 雅英
警察庁 交通局
自動運転企画室長Mr. Hatakeyama is Director of Automated Driving Planning Office at National Police Agency (NPA).
He joined NPA in 1989. His recent career is as follows,
Director of Traffic Enforcement Division at Niigata Prefectural Police Headquarters and Chiba Prefectural Police Headquarters;
Assistant Director for ITS of Traffic Planning Division at NPA (2008-2009, 2011-2012);
Deputy Director of Traffic Enforcement Division at NPA (2017-2018).
五十嵐 大和
電波部移動通信課新世代移動通信システム推進室長He joined MPHPT (predecessor of MIC) in 1999, and started his career at the Computer Communications Division.
From 2002 to 2004, he was sent on loan to the International Science Cooperation Office of Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
From 2004 to 2006, he got a Masters Degree in Engineering and Public Policy at Carnegie Mellon University.
After he returned to MIC, he worked for the International Spectrum Policy Office and the ICT Policy Division.
From 2010 to 2013, he served as the First Secretary at the Permanent Mission of Japan in Geneva, and covered the ITU-related matters and other telecommunications policy issues.
After he returned to Tokyo, he worked as Deputy Director at various fields, including Land Mobile Communications Division, Broadcasting Technology Division, and Radio Policy Division.
At the Land Mobile Communications Division around 2014, he contributed to initiating 5G related activities in Japan.
Since 2019, he has been serving the current position.
植木 健司
自動車課ITS自動走行推進室・室長Kenji Ueki joined Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) in 1999 and has worked for various policy domains such as technological innovation, regulatory reform and regional development in METI or other departments of the government of Japan. In July 2019, he is appointed as Director of ITS and Automated Driving Promotion Office in METI and also Sub-Leader for SIP-adus in Cabinet Office. He holds the Master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from the Tokyo Institute of Technology.
西川 昌宏
高度道路交通システム(ITS)推進室長Masahiro Nishikawa graduated from the University of Tokyo, Department of Civil Engineering and joined the Road Bureau of the MLIT in 1994.
He has been the director of the ITS Policy and Program Office, Road Bureau, MLIT since April 2020, after serving as the director of Tokyo Highway Office and so on.
多田 善隆
自動運転戦略室長Joined the Ministry of Transport (currently the Ministry of Land, infrastructure, Transport and Tourism) in 1998.
After working as the Director, Recall control office, Road Transport Bureau, he has been working as Director, Policy planning office for Automated Driving Technology, Road Transport Bureau since April 2020.