SIP-adus Workshop 2021


Safety AssuranceOverview


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    谷口 悟史


    Mr. Satoshi Taniguchi chairs JAMA AD safety assurance WG since 2018 and was appointed as a lead of safety assurance of SIP-adus and SAKURA since 2019.
    He has been employed at Toyota Motor Corporation and is currently the manager of system safety group in AD/ADAS division. He studied control system engineering as an undergraduate and received his Ph. M. in human factor engineering at Osaka university. In 2018 he earned an MBA from Graduate School of Management.


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    Frank Gruson

    Head of Advanced Engineering Radar
    Radar Concept Development
    Continental / ADC Automotive Distance Control Systems GmbH

    Virtual validation of radar sensors for assisted and automated driving

    Virtual validation using artificial scenarios is “state-of-the-art” for camera technologies since several years. Continental already uses artificial scenarios for all camera developments including front-camera, SV camera and interior camera systems. This is empowered by high performance GPU clusters and the availability of very efficient raytracing rendering frameworks.

    For radar, virtual validation using artificial scenarios is still in research phase. We will share the current status from scenario generation using open interfaces such as OSI (Open Simulation Interface), Open Scenegraph, OpenDrive (HD maps) via raytracing rendering up to radar signal processing and tracking in virtual environments.

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    Matthias Hein

    Thuringian Center of Innovation in Mobility
    Technische Universität Ilmenau

    Matthias A. Hein received his doctoral degree from the University of Wuppertal, Germany, where he worked on superconductors for mobile and satellite communications. In 1999, he received a British EPSRC Senior Research Fellowship at the University of Birmingham. In 2002, he joined the TU Ilmenau as head of the RF and Microwave Research Laboratory. In his professional career, he has co/authored 580 publications and provided over 60 invited talks, supervised 43 doctoral, 93 Master, and 71 undergraduate projects.
    Matthias Hein served as chair, co-organizer, and convener of various international microwave conferences. He is elected board member of the IEEE Joint German Chapter MTT/AP and further national associations. His research focus is on intelligent automotive wireless sensor and communication systems, over-the-air testing, and virtual test drives. Further research deals with antenna and microwave engineering.

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    井上 秀雄

    工学教育研究推進機構 先進自動車研究所・所長/教授

    Professor Hideo Inoue joined Kanagawa Institute of Technology in 2016. He is a control system engineering specialist with about 30 years of successful experience in vehicle control systems like of vehicle dynamics, active safety, ADAS/Automated Driving at Toyota . He is now a project leader of DIVP consortium of SIP-adus.

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    Jacobo Antona-Makoshi

    Senior researcher and Group manager
    Autonomous Driving Research Department
    Japan Automobile Research Institute

    Jacobo holds a Bachelor in Mechanical Engineering from the Polytechnique University of Madrid (Spain), and a MSc. in Automotive Engineering and a PhD. in brain injury biomechanics from Chalmers University of Technology (Sweden). Jacobo has extensive automotive safety related research experience at JARI, including real-world accident data collection and analysis, injury biomechanics experimental and computational research, human behavior and traffic flow simulation modeling, automated driving safety assurance methology development, and large scale international strategic research development.

    Jacobo currently heads the Autonomous Driving Safety Standardization group at JARI, and is one of the experts representing Japan at the related ISO working groups. Jacobo also leads the international research activities of the SAKURA project; the largest ongoing automated driving safety assurance initiative in Japan with the support of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan.

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    Roland Galbas

    Project Lead
    ADAS System Development
    Robert Bosch GmbH

    Roland Galbas is a longterm senior manager for system development in ADAS safety functions, test-vehicle assembly, processes for verification & validation methods for networking systems, project lead “Driver Drowsiness Detection” , Senior Manager “Strategic Technology Planning & Competitor, Analysis”, with divisional responsibilities for research coordination within Robert Bosch GmbH.

    He also is active in innovation and networking management, strategic patent portfolio management, accident research, human machine interface and user centric development and was initiating large scale German projects for highly automated and networked driving.

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    Chan Lieu

    Senior Manager
    Safety Policy
    The United States of America

    Chan Lieu is the Senior Manager for Safety Policy at Aurora. Previously, he was at Uber ATG, Venable LLP, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), and the US Senate. He has extensive expertise in automotive safety as well as regulatory and legislative policy matters.